FCDP Committees
The FCDP needs volunteers to serve in many capacities, including on important committees and subcommittees.
Committees need team players who
- Work well with others
- Are committed to the common goal of electing Democrats at the federal, state, and local levels.
How to get involved:
- Read the committee descriptions below and see which ones interest you.
- Complete the online volunteer form, writing in the comment box at the bottom the committees that interest you.
Purpose: Ensure contact with voters and encourage voter participation in elections.
- Map out Forsyth’s GOTV plan
- Form teams and subcommittees to implement GOTV plan including: Data analytics, voter engagement (e.g. canvassing), candidate coordination, voter assistance, voter ID, poll greeters, poll observers, and others
- Coordinate with auxiliaries’ and caucuses’ specific missions and member-related activities
Qualifications: Team players with strong organizational and communication skills and a knowledge of Votebuilder.
Purpose: Coordinate volunteers with volunteer opportunities.
Responsibilities: Update Constant Contact, announce volunteer opportunities and provide on-line sign ups, coordinate with event captains, etc.
Qualifications: Team players who interact well with others and have strong attention to details and schedules. Background in employee or volunteer relations is a plus.
Purpose: Plan the Gala, the FCDP’s major fundraiser, which generates most of the funds to support GOTV efforts.
Responsibilities: Form teams and subcommittees to complete various tasks, including selecting venue, decorating venue, selecting keynote speaker, choosing meal alternatives, contacting donors, greeting guests, confirming reservations, etc.
Qualifications: Team player with strong people skills, and some task-specific skills, such as planning or decorating skills.
Purpose: To develop a manual of internal controls and standard operating procedures (IC/SOP) to be followed in order to safeguard FCDP financial resources and assets.
Responsibilities: Research IC/SOP published by other Democratic Party chapters as well as Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures (GAAP), Roberts Rules of Order (ROO), and Campaign Finance Regulations.
Qualifications: Team player with experience in auditing, accounting, asset management, financial management and/or campaign finance.
Purpose: Strengthen the FCDP Brand and support the efforts of the GOTV, Gala, and other committees, subcommittees and teams.
Responsibilities: Develop messaging and branding that coordinates across the various FCDP activities, including GOTV, public relations and fundraising activities.
Qualifications: Team players with strong people skills who have experience in marketing, public relations, and/or promotions.
Purpose: To provide a welcoming atmosphere to participants at FCDP events, including County Conventions, CEC meetings, candidate forums, and holiday parties.
Responsibilities: Register participants, set up refreshments, decorate, clean up, etc.
Qualifications: Team players with strong people skills who enjoy making others feel welcomed and appreciated.
Purpose: Identify community events, such as festivals, parades, fairs, etc., where the FCDP and/or Democratic candidates may wish to participate.
Responsibilities: Maintain an up-to-date calendar of community events, and investigate the cost for the Party or candidates to participate. Inform Volunteer Coordination Committee, FCDP Executive Board, and Democratic candidates of events in a timely manner.
Qualifications: Team players with strong organizational and communication skills.
Purpose: Raise funds needed for the FCDP’s general operating expenses, which include rent, utilities, office supplies, public relations events, etc., which average over $2,000 per month.
Responsibilities: Develop teams to plan events and activities to raise funds, including personal contacts, special events (e.g. fish fries), merchandise sales, etc.
Qualifications: Team players with strong people skills and some task and/or team specific skills, such as experience in event planning, letter writing, or a willingness to learn new skills.
Purpose: Ensure compliance with Campaign Finance requirements, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), NCDP’s Plan of Organization (POO), Robert’s Rules of Order (RRO), and Internal Controls/Standard Operating Procedure (IC/SOP) manual.
Responsibilities: Reconcile the bank records with reports filed with the NC Board of Elections. Review reports to CEC membership for compliance with RRO and POO. Review procedures for compliance with GAAP and IC/SOP.
Qualifications: Team players with strong people and financial skills who are experienced with Campaign Finance, POO, RRO, and/or GAAP requirements.
- Canvassing (talking with voters or leaving door hangers), phone banking, poll greeters, poll observers
- Greeters, decorators, clean up, etc.
- Data entry
- Mailings
- Office set up/clean up
Want to get involved?
- Complete the online volunteer form, writing in the comment box at the bottom the committees that interest you. If you've submitted the volunteer form in the past, go ahead and fill it out again, checking all the areas that you are interested in.
Have questions?
Contact the FCDP through the Contact Us form!
Committees need team players who
- Work well with others
- Are committed to the common goal of electing Democrats at the federal, state, and local levels.
How to get involved:
- Read the committee descriptions below and see which ones interest you.
- Complete the online volunteer form, writing in the comment box at the bottom the committees that interest you.
Purpose: Ensure contact with voters and encourage voter participation in elections.
- Map out Forsyth’s GOTV plan
- Form teams and subcommittees to implement GOTV plan including: Data analytics, voter engagement (e.g. canvassing), candidate coordination, voter assistance, voter ID, poll greeters, poll observers, and others
- Coordinate with auxiliaries’ and caucuses’ specific missions and member-related activities
Qualifications: Team players with strong organizational and communication skills and a knowledge of Votebuilder.
Purpose: Coordinate volunteers with volunteer opportunities.
Responsibilities: Update Constant Contact, announce volunteer opportunities and provide on-line sign ups, coordinate with event captains, etc.
Qualifications: Team players who interact well with others and have strong attention to details and schedules. Background in employee or volunteer relations is a plus.
Purpose: Plan the Gala, the FCDP’s major fundraiser, which generates most of the funds to support GOTV efforts.
Responsibilities: Form teams and subcommittees to complete various tasks, including selecting venue, decorating venue, selecting keynote speaker, choosing meal alternatives, contacting donors, greeting guests, confirming reservations, etc.
Qualifications: Team player with strong people skills, and some task-specific skills, such as planning or decorating skills.
Purpose: To develop a manual of internal controls and standard operating procedures (IC/SOP) to be followed in order to safeguard FCDP financial resources and assets.
Responsibilities: Research IC/SOP published by other Democratic Party chapters as well as Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures (GAAP), Roberts Rules of Order (ROO), and Campaign Finance Regulations.
Qualifications: Team player with experience in auditing, accounting, asset management, financial management and/or campaign finance.
Purpose: Strengthen the FCDP Brand and support the efforts of the GOTV, Gala, and other committees, subcommittees and teams.
Responsibilities: Develop messaging and branding that coordinates across the various FCDP activities, including GOTV, public relations and fundraising activities.
Qualifications: Team players with strong people skills who have experience in marketing, public relations, and/or promotions.
Purpose: To provide a welcoming atmosphere to participants at FCDP events, including County Conventions, CEC meetings, candidate forums, and holiday parties.
Responsibilities: Register participants, set up refreshments, decorate, clean up, etc.
Qualifications: Team players with strong people skills who enjoy making others feel welcomed and appreciated.
Purpose: Identify community events, such as festivals, parades, fairs, etc., where the FCDP and/or Democratic candidates may wish to participate.
Responsibilities: Maintain an up-to-date calendar of community events, and investigate the cost for the Party or candidates to participate. Inform Volunteer Coordination Committee, FCDP Executive Board, and Democratic candidates of events in a timely manner.
Qualifications: Team players with strong organizational and communication skills.
Purpose: Raise funds needed for the FCDP’s general operating expenses, which include rent, utilities, office supplies, public relations events, etc., which average over $2,000 per month.
Responsibilities: Develop teams to plan events and activities to raise funds, including personal contacts, special events (e.g. fish fries), merchandise sales, etc.
Qualifications: Team players with strong people skills and some task and/or team specific skills, such as experience in event planning, letter writing, or a willingness to learn new skills.
Purpose: Ensure compliance with Campaign Finance requirements, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), NCDP’s Plan of Organization (POO), Robert’s Rules of Order (RRO), and Internal Controls/Standard Operating Procedure (IC/SOP) manual.
Responsibilities: Reconcile the bank records with reports filed with the NC Board of Elections. Review reports to CEC membership for compliance with RRO and POO. Review procedures for compliance with GAAP and IC/SOP.
Qualifications: Team players with strong people and financial skills who are experienced with Campaign Finance, POO, RRO, and/or GAAP requirements.
- Canvassing (talking with voters or leaving door hangers), phone banking, poll greeters, poll observers
- Greeters, decorators, clean up, etc.
- Data entry
- Mailings
- Office set up/clean up
Want to get involved?
- Complete the online volunteer form, writing in the comment box at the bottom the committees that interest you. If you've submitted the volunteer form in the past, go ahead and fill it out again, checking all the areas that you are interested in.
Have questions?
Contact the FCDP through the Contact Us form!