With 132 calls and 32 canvasses made this week, Shari Burrell is our Phonebank Champion of the week!
Here is a statement that Shari wrote, explaining why she believes in phonebanking: "Because we could not have more at stake and limited ways to reach out to people, I will be phonebanking every week. If I am to be honest, this has always been my least favorite thing to do. However, over the course of these last three weeks, I have had many wonderful conversations. People very much appreciate our efforts to reach out to them, to get them forms, to let them know how they can vote safely, to hear their concerns, as well as, their resolve to stand in line as an act of resistance to voter suppression. Even though the majority of calls are not answered, the connections we do make are vital. They build a necessary foundation to our democracy. I will continue to reach out to our voters and ask each of you to join our effort." If you would like to get involved in our phonebanking efforts, start by signing up for phonebank training. Since May 19, the Forsyth County Democratic Party has held 20 trainings and trained 120 unique individuals. Comments are closed.
April 2021
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